How the Company Began

Apothecary Soap Company began out of necessity. My family was experiencing really bad eczema and skin irritations. While on an out of town trip, an Aveda bar provided some relief to the irritation. When I went to buy some to take home, it was $18 a bar! I figured with my background as a chemist and chemical engineer, I could figure out exactly what we needed to produce an alternative to drying commercial soap or a budget busting product. Nearly 4 years later, we all have irritation free skin with no need for creams and ointments for skin issues. We will never buy soap from a big box store again! Friends and acquaintances alike have used my soap over the years and by word of mouth and results from use, grown into a loyal customer base. You can now purchase our soap and other seasonal products through this site, AR Workshop in the Travinia shopping center across from Target on Hwy. 378 or Southern Blu boutique near Lexington High School on Hwy.1 in local Lexington, SC. If you are NOT local -welcome!!! We are very proud to be able to offer this site to share our love of the craft and some skin loving products.. Try it for yourself!!
Apothecary Soap Company provides all-natural soap for sensitive skin or those who just want a natural alternative to commercially available products. Other body care products are available including sugar scrubs, bath soak, and lip balm. No artificial dyes, colorings or flavorings. Proudly made locally in Lexington, SC!